Monday, 16 March 2009

WORK: An update

In the last lesson we did a really cool task to get us prepared for group interviews. A group interview usually happens when there is a large amount of applicants for a job, the applicants are given group tasks to do and if you perform well you advance to the next stage and the others get voted off the island. It all seems a bit like reality TV but instead of winning a cash prize and 15 minutes of infamy you get a job instead. The exercise involved us trying to pitch our project in groups to a group of investors, it was basically us doing Dragon's Den and getting a chance to be the dragons as well the people pitching.

I have emailed Paul Roberts of Southwest Radio and am anxiously awaiting a reply regarding doing job shadowing focusing on the management side of Radio. I am yet to get into contact with Future Publishing or Jamie Woorsford but should have done so by the end of this week and will get posting on the outcomes of these.

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