Tuesday, 14 April 2009

EVENT: Last lesson before Easter Break

The last session before Easter had us really making sure that the event would work out. There were a lot of loose ends to tie and we needed to go over our proposed plans with a fine-toothed comb.

Unfortunately Chris and Balve weren’t able to make the meeting but Balve did email me the questionnaire he was supposed to do. This questionnaire is to be given to the visiting students at the end of the event as a way of evaluating the experience. The floor plan from Chris was absent but we’re certain that the green screen equipment will be able to fit in Newton G08.

We went through the event blow by blow making sure that everything was covered. Some of the big problems we needed to sort out included things like

- How we were going to split the students into two groups
- We needed to arrange for the CRB ambassadors to meet at a specific time
- Who was going to be present at the icebreaker/introduction
- Who was going to be in charge of creating name badges
- What the running order was for each room/activity
- Which areas we were going to take the students for the tour
- How many groups we would do for the tour and how many students would be in each group

One of the problems we encountered was that Balve and Jake didn’t have any work experience over Easter and so wouldn’t be able to show any profiles in the work experience room. We decided that Balve could talk about his experience at the Jonathan Ross show and Jake could talk about script writing and networking in Hollywood.

We also decided to drop teaching sound in the Green screen room so Chris could help Will set up and teach lighting instead, since there would be two lighting kits now I think this would be appropriate as the job would be too big for one person.

We were also told that we would be provided with Bath Spa polo shirts for the event by Steve May, Head of Creative Studies.

Some of the other tasks we had to do during the day were to arrange for the chairs to be removed from Room G08 during the event. Inform the Uni of the Media event, which was sent out by email (so now everyone with a Bath Spa email account knows my mobile number).

One thing that did cross my mind was that if we had taken this approach to the event from the beginning then it would have probably gone a lot smoother, hopefully people doing this course in the following years might read this and decide to REALLY organise their events and that way make it more successful.

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